Thursday, April 23, 2015

Freud, Adlerian & Rogers

You ain't no fun.
You're not growing up.

Can't blame the substance that you took.
Because before that you're rationally can think with your brain.
Because Freud said, the ego could controlled our id and our superego.

It's clearly I can see that you're not growing up.
Because a person that followed their id are mostly a baby.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
Called yourself a matured man?
hah! Don't bluff me.
If you are a matured man , you'll follow your superego.

However, I'm not going to choose Freud.
Because we're having the same past memories.
Being hate for no reasons.

Woke up from sleep,
Adlerian told me what we did now will affect our future.
He added, our surroundings played the big role in our life.

As we growing up, we were having a totally different memory.
You develope things that you wanted without thinking about your future.
You have nothing to achieve. You choose that path.

Don't tell me because you've falling down dreadfully and nobody was there for you.
Well, you were wrong. 
I do feel the empathy, but I have to be genuine.

So many time you had pull us down,
But we keep climb up from the cliff .
The memories that you took it away from the projection that you did, don't you think that I'm not mad.

Of course , I am mad.
Quater from my memories you had took it away.
You took away the ability that I have , you put in the pain in my head.

You turn out to be like this because you choose to believe that was nobody there for you.
You don't want to look for your future. You stuck on your past. 
Did you holding hand with Freud?
I told you to move on to Adlerian.
Change your inferiority to superiority.
Because we are human, not an animal or a machine.

Go out with Rogers,
Talking about our current situation.
I believe that you have the ability to change.
Because that's the natural in ourself.
We are the expert of our life.

Rogers told me about Adlerian's inferiority vs superiority.
We can help you using your realself to achieve the idealself.

I'm telling you this as a human being.
Which mean as a public.
A public which are allowed to show their opinion and perspective.

My empathy in you are high.
I want you to change.
I want you to help you achieve your self-actualization with no regrets.
Because life is beautiful than what you thought.

Live the life that you want it to be.
Don't live a life that you're unwilling to live.
Outsider don't walk in your current and future lifes, so they won't know how it feels like .

Open up your mind,
Open up your heart widely,
Change for a better life. 
So, you won't be suffering for the future.